This book reveals numerous facts kept hidden from the public for centuries – see some examples here below. It is the mind-bending and exhilarating sequel to ‘Truths, Lies & Distortions’ and ‘Worlds Beyond the Spirit World’

Who gave some astounding help to Earth’s first creatures?
Who devised the exciting ‘Earth Experiment’?
What tempted you to become a ‘human’?
Why is fake ‘solidity’ experienced?

What is existence like on the ‘Other Side’?
How to ensure a smooth ‘passing’?
Are there many levels of Existence?
Why is birth a puzzling shock?

Why do UFOs not ‘vanish’?
Who inhabits other worlds?
Should Humans migrate to other planets?
How to react to Cosmos Unidentified Visitors?

Is there a ‘Source’ or a ‘Void’?
How is a new conscious ‘soul’ created?
Where is the mind & what are ‘thought forms’?

Channelled by medium Brigitte Rix, in an altered state, communicating via the extrasensory perception of clairaudience and telepathically-guided automatic writing / psychography.

Buy How and why you chose to exist